NEW PUBLICATION: Public Engagement & Education

Several of SASSA’s board and staff members have chapters in the new book, Public Engagement and Education: Developing and Fostering Stewardship for an Archaeological Future (hardcover and eBook available now!). Edited by SASSA’s Katherine Erdman, this volume explores different approaches researchers may take to get all ages interested in archaeology as well as how to evaluate the success of public programming. The following are the contributions by SASSA members:

Introduction: Opening a Dialog: Bringing Archaeology to the Public
  Katherine M. Erdman

Chapter 2. Science and Social Studies Adventures: Using an Interdisciplinary Approach to Inspire School-Age Children to Become Knowledge Producers
  Katrina Yezzi-Woodley, Chris Kestly, Beth Albrecht, Paul Creager, Joel Abdella, and Katherine Hayes

Chapter 5. Archaeologists and the Pedagogy of Heritage: Preparing Graduate Students for Tomorrow’s Interdisciplinary, Engaged Work in Heritage
  Phyllis Mauch Messenger

Chapter 7. Archaeology for a Lifetime: Reaching Older Generations through Adult Education Programs
  Katherine M. Erdman


2019 Call for SASSA in the Classroom Volunteers


SASSA’s First Give to the Max Day #GTMD19