Catching Up with Michael Murphy

Originally published August 2, 2019

In April, we had the chance to chat with SASSA in the Classroom volunteer and PREP participant, Michael Murphy, about his upcoming summer internship at Craters of the Moon National Monument in Idaho. We recently checked in with Michael to see how he was enjoying his summer as a science communicator in the park.

“My favorite thing about the internship so far has been the opportunity to work outside and explore places in the park people normally don’t make it too…It’s been a really great opportunity to explore what working for the park service might be like.”

“SASSA definitely helped me prepare for working with the NPS [National Park Service] because it helped me build my communication skills. Half of the battle is presenting information in a way that is relatable; any program that helps you learn communication skills is going to be beneficial in teaching/interpretation.”

Michael will be presenting his summer research at the Geological Society of America’s annual meeting which will be held later this year in Phoenix, Arizona. Congratulations on an exciting and productive summer, Michael!


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